NCDC driver in Nasarawa tests positive for COVID-19

Confirmation has been made that a driver working with the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) has been diagnosed with the novel Coronavirus in Nasarawa state.


During an expanded state security meeting in Lafia, the state capital on May 5th, the state governor, Abdullahi Sule, revealed this development.


According to the governor, the infected driver, who resides in Ado in Karu Local Government Area of the state, is responsible for transporting test samples for the agency in Abuja. It is believed that he contracted the virus during the course of his duties. Following the positive test result this morning, he has been relocated to the isolation center at the Federal Medical Centre, Keffi for medical care.


It is worth noting that Nasarawa has recorded a total of 11 confirmed cases of the viral disease.