''Nancy Pelosi you are a weak person, weak leader & pathetic puppet'' – Trump rains insults on House Speaker Pelosi 

Donald Trump, the President of the United States, used his Twitter platform to launch a series of insults at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, portraying her as a weak leader and a weak person.

Trump’s Thursday morning tweets characterized Pelosi as a ‘pathetic puppet controlled by the radical left’ and blamed politicians like her for the public’s disdain for career politicians.

Trump’s tweets came in response to Pelosi’s recent criticisms of him, particularly for placing his name on Coronavirus stimulus checks, a move she described as ‘shameful’ during a CNN interview.

The US Treasury department confirmed that the President’s name would appear on the checks, which are aimed at mitigating the economic impact of the pandemic.

Pelosi’s remarks on the matter emphasized the urgent need for financial support among Americans: “It is shameful and people are really desperate to get a check.”

She also condemned Trump’s decision to halt funding for the World Health Organization as “senseless” and held him accountable for the high number of Coronavirus-related deaths and economic repercussions, labeling him a weak leader who avoids taking responsibility.

Upon seeing Pelosi’s interview, Trump took to Twitter to target her, criticizing her competence and labeling her as incompetent and controlled by the Radical Left.