Morocco arrests 4,300 people for breaching emergency Coronavirus rules

The weekend in Morocco saw the arrest of over 4,300 individuals for violating the emergency regulations imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The country enforced a public health state of emergency on March 19, restricting movement except for those with official permits for work. Despite these measures, more than 28,701 people have been apprehended since mid-March, with 15,545 facing legal action.

The highest number of arrests occurred in Casablanca and Rabat, the economic and political hubs of the country. Those found violating the preventative measures may face penalties of up to three months in prison, fines up to 1,300 dirhams ($130), or both. Last week, the authorities mandated the wearing of face masks in public. Morocco has reported 1,746 COVID-19 cases, resulting in 120 deaths and 196 recoveries, with fewer than 7,000 tests conducted.