Methodist Church of Nigeria Condemns Gay Marriage as Contradictory to African Culture

In a recent statement, Most Reverend Oliver Aba, the Prelate of the Methodist Church in Nigeria, declared that gay marriage is viewed as an abomination in the eyes of God and humanity. He emphasized that this practice, seen as a European imposition, goes against the traditional values of African culture.

During an interview following the Africa Methodist Council Heads of Conference Summit and Women’s Movement Leadership Summit in Lagos, Most Reverend Aba underscored the church’s stance against the concept of gay marriage.

The theme of the summit, ‘Leadership in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous World,’ was discussed by Bishop Ivan Abrahams, the General Secretary of the World Methodist Council.

Most Reverend Aba stated to NewsNow during the interview that the conference aimed to address political challenges in Africa while also focusing on societal issues.

Expressing his views on gay marriage, he remarked, “Gay marriage is considered an abomination. It is not a natural way of life according to God’s design, especially within African culture. The notion of individuals of the same gender engaging in intimate relationships goes against our traditional beliefs.”

He further added, “It appears that the Western world seeks to reverse the natural order of things.”