Message to BTA from Governor Oyebanji: Stay Focused and Avoid Petty Politics in Ekiti

In a recent gathering, Ekiti State Governor, Biodun Oyebanji, emphasized the importance of the Body of Technical Advisors sticking to his 6-point agenda for the betterment of the people.

During a meeting at his conference room on Friday, June 15, Oyebanji urged the “Technocrats in Politics” to prioritize the agenda and work towards its execution.

Interacting with the BTA members, the governor assured them of a conducive working environment and encouraged them to utilize their positions effectively in transforming their respective MDAs.

Drawing from his experience as a pioneer of new ministries in a previous administration, Oyebanji shared insights on the impact of strategic leadership.

While acknowledging the presence of distractions and political challenges, the governor urged the BTA to remain undeterred and collaborate with him in delivering good governance to the people of Ekiti.

He reaffirmed his faith in overcoming obstacles, trusting in divine guidance and resilience to lead Ekiti towards progress.