Message from Enugu Governor Encouraging Love Among Muslims

Enugu State Governor, Peter Mbah, sends his congratulations to Muslims in the state and across the nation on the occasion of this year’s Eid el-Kabir.

Encouraging them to demonstrate love, tolerance, peace, unity, and a sense of sacrifice to contribute to national progress.

In his goodwill message to the Muslim community during Eid el-Kabir, he emphasized that the current socio-economic challenges can be overcome through collective sacrifice and dedication to nation-building by all Nigerians.

He conveyed warm greetings to Muslim brothers and sisters in Enugu State and nationwide on this auspicious occasion of Eid el-Kabir.

“Let us also take time during this celebration to ponder on and embrace the values of sacrifice, charity, love, service, peace, unity, humility, and submission to God’s will that this occasion signifies.

“Let’s ensure we look out for one another and extend a helping hand to our neighbors, ensuring no one is left behind as we navigate through these challenging times. It is only through collaborative efforts driven by love and dedication to nation-building that we can overcome the current hurdles and construct the Nigeria we envision.”

He restated his administration’s dedication to constructing a prosperous community for its residents.

“As a government, our commitment remains steadfast in establishing a fair Enugu State where all individuals have the chance to flourish and fulfill their aspirations, regardless of political, religious, or ethnic affiliations.

“I extend my best wishes for a joyous Eid el-Kabir celebration to all Nigerians,” he concluded.