Message from AA Chairman, Omo-Aje: Nigerians Encouraged to Embrace Tolerance and Perseverance during Eid-El-Kabir

In his statement on Sunday in Kaduna to mark Eid-El-Kabir, Dr. Adekunle Rufai Omo-Aje, the National Chairman of Action Alliance (AA), emphasized the importance of cultivating a compassionate and harmonious relationship with fellow citizens for the advancement of Nigeria.

He highlighted the significance of the Eid celebration in promoting unity through acts of love, compassion, and mutual support among Nigerians.

Dr. Omo-Aje called on Muslims to reflect on the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim and to embody his spirit of kindness towards others, echoing that selfless acts and communal love, as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim and Ishmael, serve as guiding principles for those seeking to align with the will of Allah.

Referring to the principles of Islamic teachings, he stressed the values of unity, communal living, and charitable deeds, emphasizing the importance of sacrifices that benefit the less privileged and demonstrate unwavering faith.

Addressing the challenges facing the nation, the Chairman urged a collective introspection, expressing optimism that through unity, adversities can be overcome.

He advocated for the continued practice of tolerance, perseverance, and love for neighbors while promoting dialogue as the preferred approach to resolving conflicts over resorting to violence.