Man narrates how Lagos residents embarrassed policemen who wanted to impound his power bike

The ordeal of a man in Lagos, Nigeria, whose power bike was almost impounded by police officers, was narrated in a Facebook post. Nmutaka Chikwendu shared the experience, explaining how a group of Lagos residents intervened and challenged the policemen, who were senior officers with guns, when they attempted to seize his bike on his way to work.

Chikwendu revealed that the officers claimed they were acting on a signal to apprehend all bikes, but were unable to provide further details. Despite a broadcast from the Lagos state police command and efforts by a Good Samaritan to resolve the situation, the officers refused to cooperate and even ignored calls from their superiors.

The post highlighted the response of the crowd that gathered at the scene, with people vehemently opposing the officers’ actions and questioning their intelligence. Ultimately, the intervention of the Good Samaritan and the persistent support of the crowd led to the release of the man and the return of his bike key, enabling him to continue on his way to work.

The lively narrative was accompanied by images capturing the incident, emphasizing the stand-off between the police and the determined residents. The post attracted attention and support on social media, showcasing the power of community solidarity in confronting unjust actions.