Man calls out a teacher as he shares the alleged WhatsApp conversation the teacher had with his 15-year-old student

A man has come forward with allegations against a teacher, accusing the teacher of engaging in sexually explicit communication with his 15-year-old student. Instagram user @jay.mzz has shared screenshots of the alleged conversations, in which the male teacher is seen propositioning the underage female student for sex once the lockdown is lifted. The conversation includes lewd language and even features a graphic image of a couple engaging in sexual activity.

Despite the student’s clear discomfort with the conversation, the teacher persistently attempts to coax her into considering his advances. In response to the student’s reminder of their age difference, the teacher dismisses it as a matter of just a few years. The Instagram user who shared the screenshots has urged anyone in contact with the teacher to bring the matter to the attention of his colleagues and superiors, expressing concern for the safety of minors around him.

The post includes multiple screenshots of the alleged conversation and photos of the teacher. The seriousness of the allegations is evident in the shared information, raising moral and legal concerns about the teacher’s conduct with a minor.