Man beats 10-month-old baby and the child's mother because the child won't stop crying and depriving him of sleep (video)

The headline reads “Man beats 10-month-old baby and the child’s mother because the child won’t stop crying and depriving him of sleep (video)”.

A man has been confronted by concerned neighbors after he physically assaulted a 10-month-old baby and the child’s mother. This occurred due to frustration over the baby’s persistent crying, which had been depriving him of sleep.

The man, identified as Isaac, is a relative of the mother’s baby daddy. He explained that the baby daddy had abandoned the woman and the child in the village, prompting him to take them to Lagos in an attempt to provide support.

Isaac further claimed that he was having trouble sleeping because the child would frequently cry at night, disrupting his rest. He asserted that he advised the mother to soothe the child and resort to breastfeeding when necessary to quiet him. However, he alleged that she would resort to hitting the child instead, exacerbating the situation.

On the day of the incident, Isaac heard the child crying, and after calling the woman to attend to the baby, he resorted to physically assaulting the child. When the mother confronted him for his actions, a confrontation ensued, resulting in him also assaulting her and pushing her into dirty water.

The woman was visibly injured, with blood on her hands and her clothes soiled from the pool of water she was pushed into. Isaac claimed that he had been taking care of the woman and her child and felt unheeded.

View the video for more insights into the incident.