Maid caught on camera repeatedly dipping toddler’s hand into boiling water (graphic photos/video)

An arrest has been made in Singapore after a maid was captured on video repeatedly scalding a toddler’s hand in boiling water. The footage, recorded by the girl’s mother, showed the horrific incident taking place in the family’s kitchen. The mother, Amy Low Mei Liang, posted the clip online along with her allegations, triggering a widespread outcry.

The maid initially denied the act, claiming the toddler had touched the pot herself. However, suspicious behavior and insistence on returning to her home led to the discovery of the shocking truth.

The child can be heard screaming in agony as her hand is exposed to the boiling water multiple times in the video.

The maid reportedly mentioned that an agency representative had suggested that causing harm to the child would facilitate her return home. The 30-year-old maid, hailing from Myanmar, had been working for the family for just a month before the incident occurred.

The brutal act has led to the arrest of the maid on charges of causing hurt by dangerous means, with ongoing police investigations.

The mother’s detailed account, along with the disturbing video, has raised serious concerns about the safety and treatment of domestic helpers. The urgency to ensure justice for the traumatized toddler is being emphasized in the wake of this appalling incident.