Latest: COVID-19 Patient Who Fled in Borno, Is Located

Abbas Kaka Hassan, a 24-year-old male who disappeared after testing positive for COVID-19, has been found.


The state Commissioner for Health, Dr. Salisu Kwayabura, revealed that Hassan, who was tested at UMTH’s COVID-19 laboratory, was declared missing yesterday after his and his mother’s phones were shut off.


A joint team of health surveillance and investigation, accompanied by police, located the patient in critical condition at his family home in Gwange 11. He was promptly transported on a stretcher and is now on a ventilator at an isolation center.


Dr. Kwayabura stated that healthcare workers are diligently working to stabilize the patient, while a team is conducting contact tracing and surveillance to identify individuals who may have come into direct or indirect contact with him, for risk assessment, isolation guidance, and sample collection for testing.


However, the Commissioner mentioned that Hauwa Mohammed, a 42-year-old female who also tested positive at UMTH, is still missing. He urged her to promptly report to the hospital. A group of health surveillance experts and security officials are currently exerting efforts to locate her. Reportedly, she resided in Shuwari ward in Maiduguri.