Lagosians call for the reinstatement of keke due to increased traffic following the ease of lockdown

Following the ease of lockdown by the Lagos State government, many Lagosians have taken to Twitter to demand the return of keke in order to alleviate the difficulties they face on Lagos roads.


This discussion has emerged due to the heightened traffic, insufficient buses to transport people to their destinations, and the fear caused by the unsafe nature of buses during the pandemic.


Lagosians are asking for the return of keke because of worsened traffic after ease of lockdown

Lagosians are asking for the return of keke because of worsened traffic after ease of lockdown

Lagosians are asking for the return of keke because of worsened traffic after ease of lockdown

Lagosians are asking for the return of keke because of worsened traffic after ease of lockdown

Lagosians are asking for the return of keke because of worsened traffic after ease of lockdown

Lagosians are asking for the return of keke because of worsened traffic after ease of lockdown