Lagos State Identifies 119 People with COVID-19 Symptoms in House-to-House Search

The Commissioner for Health in Lagos State, Prof. Akin Abayomi, revealed that 119 individuals demonstrating COVID-19 symptoms have been found in the state through a comprehensive house-to-house search.


During a press briefing on Tuesday, April 14, Abayomi announced that the search had reached a total of 118,000 households and identified potential COVID-19 cases in communities.


The Lagos State Government initiated a house-to-house search on Thursday, April 9, to locate potential Coronavirus patients as part of efforts to contain the spread of the disease in the state, which has the highest number of COVID-19 patients in the country.


As a result of the search, 119 individuals displaying symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 were identified.


Abayomi explained, “We have commenced an active case search in communities, aiming to visit hot spots and go from door to door with our health personnel.”


“In the past two days, we have reached 118,000 households, identifying 119 individuals showing symptoms suggestive of COVID-19,” he added.


He emphasized, “COVID-19 is one of the viruses causing respiratory symptoms, and there are many other viruses. Samples will be taken from the identified individuals for analysis to determine the level of COVID-19 activity in the communities.”


Those identified with COVID-19 will be taken to isolation centers to minimize the risk of transmission.