Lagos state govt begins enforcement of ban on public gathering, shuts down surprise party and seals off two event centers (video/photos)

The Lagos state government has commenced the enforcement of the ban on public gatherings, taking action to shut down a surprise party and seal off two event centers.

LASEPA officials sealed off the venue of the surprise party in the state after receiving information that over 500 people were expected to attend. This action was in line with the government’s recent announcement banning public gatherings of more than 50 individuals and subsequently reducing the approved number for social gatherings to 20 persons.

In addition to the surprise party, LASEPA officials also sealed off Regency and Imperial Hall for failing to comply with the ban on gatherings of more than 50 persons.

The enforcement action by the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency was part of the measures put in place by the state government to curb the spread of Covid-19. Videos and images of the enforcement action were shared, depicting the agency’s efforts to enforce the ban on public gatherings.

The government’s crackdown on public gatherings is a response to the ongoing efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in the state. The images and videos showcased the government’s commitment to implementing preventive measures for public health and safety.

This incident serves as a reminder of the stringent measures being carried out by the Lagos state government to uphold the ban on public gatherings and mitigate the risks associated with the Covid-19 outbreak.

These actions highlight the state government’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding public health and ensuring compliance with the regulations aimed at preventing the spread of the virus.