Lagos Reports Four COVID-19 Related Deaths and Discharges 22 Patients

Lagos state has confirmed the occurrence of four COVID-19 related deaths.

The announcement was made by the Lagos State Ministry of Health through its verified Twitter handle on Saturday, May 2.

”Unfortunately, four #COVID-19 deaths were recorded. This brings the total number of #COVID-19 related deaths in Lagos to 25” the tweet stated

Upon this update, the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in Lagos rises to 25.

Furthermore, 22 COVID-19 patients have been discharged from the state’s Isolation centers.

22 more #COVID19Lagos patients; 8 females & 14 males, all Nigerians were today discharged from our Isolation facilities at Yaba, LUTH & Lekki to reunite with the society.

The patients; 19 from LUTH, 2 from IDH, Yaba & 1 from our Isolation Centre at Lekki have fully recovered & tested negative twice consecutively to #COVID19With this, number of patients successfully managed & discharged in Lagos is now 247.