Lady narrates how Nigerians refused coming close to a man who slumped at a shop in Abuja over fear of contracting Coronavirus (video)

Lady’s Account of How Bystanders Shunned Man Who Collapsed in Abuja Shop Over Covid-19 Fear

Recapping the incident, a Nigerian woman shared on Facebook how people at a shop in Abuja shied away from aiding a man who collapsed.


Odette Okwukwe revealed that bystanders feared contracting the Coronavirus and thus avoided coming close to the stricken man. She recounted how her husband and another individual stepped in to help while the shop’s owner fled.


In her words:


My companion and I were at the market to gather materials for the ongoing construction, and this incident occurred!

The man collapsed and lost consciousness, and no one dared to approach him because of Covid-19. Even the shop owner bolted outside.

The fear factor surrounding COVID-19 will potentially cause greater distress in the long term. Alas!


Lady narrates how Nigerians refused coming close to a man who slumped at a shop in Abuja over fear of contracting Coronavirus (video)

Lady narrates how Nigerians refused coming close to a man who slumped at a shop in Abuja over fear of contracting Coronavirus (video)


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Nigerians refuse coming close to a man who slumped at a shop in Abuja over fear of contracting Coronavirus

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