Kenyan journalist brutally murdered by unknown assailants on his way home from work

Reports indicate that Kenyan radio journalist Mohammed Hassan Marjan was brutally murdered by unknown assailants while returning home from work. The incident occurred under unclear circumstances near Kibera Law Courts in the early hours of Monday. Marjan, who worked with Pamoja FM in Kibra, had been hosting a special Ramadhan show every night during the Ramadhan period.

Kibra residents have expressed frustration with the police, alleging laxity, particularly during the dusk-to-dawn curfew. The heinous act has sparked public outrage, leading to a manhunt for the perpetrators. One individual suspected of involvement in the murder was reportedly lynched by angry locals, citing ongoing terrorizing of the neighborhood by rowdy youth.

Sub-county deputy commissioner Gideon Ombogi confirmed that the police have taken control of the situation and launched investigations. He also revealed that a group of young men gathered and took justice into their own hands, resulting in the murder of a suspected killer at the crime scene following the removal of Marjan’s body to the mortuary. Both bodies have been transported to the City Mortuary for autopsy.

Marjan’s sister has taken to social media to express her shock and question the senseless killing of her brother, emphasizing his innocence and commitment during the holy month of Ramadhan. Pamoja FM has also mourned the loss of the late reporter, who had been a valuable member of the station before his tragic demise.

Kenyan journalist brutally murdered by unknown assailants on his way home from work

The heartbreaking incident occurred just a day after journalists worldwide commemorated World Press Freedom Day, serving as a poignant reminder of the dangers faced by those who seek to inform and empower their communities through journalism.