Kenyan Anglican Priests Boycott UK Forum Due to Gay Church Leaders’ Presence

Several Anglican clergies from Kenya have chosen to boycott the Lambeth Conference in the UK as a form of protest against the participation of gay senior church leaders.


Anglican Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit (pictured) expressed the Church’s disapproval of homosexuality while addressing worshippers during the consecration of Kerugoya St Thomas Anglican Cathedral in Kirinyaga County.

“We are having the Lambeth Conference in the West this year, but some of us have boycotted because of the invitation of practising gay bishops. We can’t be mixed,” he mentioned.


The conference, held every 10 years, serves as a platform for discussing theological and social issues affecting the global Anglican communion.


Contentious topics such as the ordination of female priests, gay relationships, and corruption, which are sources of division within the Church, are prominently featured during the conference, drawing Anglican bishops from around the world.


Addressing the issue of gay marriages, the Archbishop stated the Church’s stance against allowing homosexuals to join.


He emphasized the pervasive influence of secularism and liberalism, especially in the West, and stressed the Church’s duty to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ without hesitation.

“We must adhere to the teaching of God and reject what is unholy,” he added.


He emphasized the Church’s rejection of practices deemed “evil” and even expressed readiness to sever ties with Western priests advocating homosexuality.


The Archbishop pledged the Church’s unwavering solidarity and resilience in the face of numerous challenges, reaffirming the commitment to upholding the sacred teachings without compromise.

“The teachings of the Church are very clear and straightforward. We stand against gay marriages and relationships,” he reiterated to the congregation.


He observed the liberal shift in Western churches, allowing what he perceived as ungodly practices like homosexuality.


The Archbishop stressed the importance of righteousness in attracting divine blessings to the Church.