Kano Government Criticizes Police Commissioner for Banning Eid Activities Without Consulting Governor

In a press conference at the Government House in Kano, the Kano State Government accused the Commissioner of Police of disregarding the governor’s directives, particularly in relation to the ban on Eid el-Kabir festivities.

Haruna Isa Dederi, the Kano State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, expressed these concerns on Saturday.

Addressing the issue on behalf of Governor Abba Yusuf, Dederi stated, “There are individuals who are working towards disrupting the peace and order in our state by unjustly punishing the people of Kano for expressing their political choices freely.”

Regarding a recent court judgment claiming the former emir’s rights were violated, including allegations of house arrest, Dederi clarified, “The former emir entered Gidan Nasarawa, a government property, willingly with security guards. Hence, he was not put under house arrest.”

Explaining the circumstances that led to the arrest order issued by the governor, Dederi emphasized, “When the former emir arrived with troublemakers threatening the state’s peace, the governor had to take action to maintain order.”

Raising concerns about the Commissioner of Police’s actions, particularly the independent decision to prohibit Eid el-Kabir festivities without consulting the governor or the state security council, Isa Dederi questioned, “How can anyone justify banning Sallah celebrations in Kano? Since when did the state governor lose his position as the chief security officer, being informed about such bans only through social media? Any attempt to undermine this is an attack on democracy.”