Kano government arrests Imam for holding Juma’at prayer amid Coronavirus lockdown

The Kano government has arrested the Imam of Gwammaja Mosque for conducting Juma’at prayer despite the lockdown measures in place to combat the spread of Coronavirus.

As part of efforts to control the spread of the virus, the Kano State government imposed a total lockdown for seven days following the confirmation of four cases of COVID-19, effective from Thursday, 16th April.

Despite the lockdown order, the Imam reportedly held the Friday congregational prayer at the mosque. The governor’s media aide, Salihu Yakasai, confirmed the arrest through a tweet, emphasizing that the lockdown was supported by all the Imams in the state and was essential for enforcing social distancing.

A visual representation of the article is as follows:

![Kano government arrests Imam for holding Juma?at prayer amid Coronavirus lockdown](https://newsnownigeria.ng/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Kano-government-arrests-Imam-for-holding-Jumaat-prayer-amid-Coronavirus.jpg)

The Imam’s actions have clearly disregarded the lockdown order and the necessity of adhering to social distancing measures to prevent the further spread of the virus.