Jose Mourinho Jumps In to Help London’s Elderly During the Coronavirus Crisis (see photos)

On Monday evening, Tottenham coach Jose Mourinho was captured in photos, assisting two charities in delivering food and essential goods to the elderly, amid the current global struggle against the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus: Jose Mourinho lends a helping hand by delivering essential goods to the elderly in London (photos)


Working alongside Age UK and Love Your DoorStep charities in Enfield, North London, the former Chelsea coach was involved in preparing food parcels and other items for delivery to the elderly, who are among the most vulnerable members of the community during the pandemic.

‘I am here to help Age UK Enfield, Love Your DoorStep Enfield and of course you can donate food, money or be a volunteer,’ Mourinho stated in a video posted on Love Your DoorStep’s Twitter account.

Coronavirus: Jose Mourinho lends a helping hand by delivering essential goods to the elderly in London (photos)


Following Mourinho’s involvement, Love Your DoorStep charity posted on Twitter, expressing their gratitude:

”Thanks so much to @josemourinhotv for coming to help us today in #Enfield @ageuklondon to support our our appeal and work for the community #THFC please donate”

More photos below.


Coronavirus: Jose Mourinho lends a helping hand by delivering essential goods to the elderly in London (photos)

Coronavirus: Jose Mourinho lends a helping hand by delivering essential goods to the elderly in London (photos)