Joe Biden Vows Equal Pay for Male and Female Soccer Players, Threatens to Withhold World Cup Funding

Presidential candidate Joe Biden has voiced his stance on the actions he would take against the US Football Association if he assumes the role of US President in November 2020.



On Saturday, Joe Biden issued an ultimatum to the US Soccer Federation, demanding a resolution to the pay dispute with its women’s team or face the risk of losing World Cup funding.

Following a federal judge R. Gary Klausner’s dismissal of an unequal pay claim by 28 USA players, including two-time Women’s World Cup winner Alex Morgan, who urged the US Soccer Federation to equalize the salary of the female team with that of the male team.

The lawsuit contended that the female team’s superior trophy count, commercial appeal, and viewership justified their demand for equal pay compared to their male counterparts.



Judge R. Gary Klausner permitted the players’ case against unfair treatment in travel, housing, and medical support to proceed to trial next month but rejected their damages and Equal Pay Act claims.


The players’ spokesperson Molly Levinson expressed their intent to appeal the decision, while Biden has urged the team to persist in their fight, warning that if the Federation fails to compensate the women’s team fairly, the US Government will withhold funding for the Federation’s World Cup hosting in 2026 should he assume the presidency.

“To @USWNT: don’t give up this fight. This is not over yet,” Biden conveyed on Twitter.

“To @USSoccer: equal pay, now. Or else when I’m president, you can go elsewhere for World Cup funding.”



The men’s World Cup in 2026 is scheduled to be held in the USA, Mexico, and Canada.

Joe Biden is an avid supporter of the U.S. Women’s soccer team and recently mentioned in a live video call with team captain Megan Rapinoe that he would consider her for Vice President.