It's a Zonkey – Zebra gives birth to an unusual baby after mating with Donkey (photos)

The Birth of a Zonkey: A Zebra’s Unusual Offspring with a Donkey (with Photos)

Kenya’s wildlife organization recently announced the birth of a “Zonkey” after its mother, a zebra, mated with a donkey.


The zebra strayed outside the Tsavo East National Park and formed a bond with a donkey in a nearby community. It became part of a local woman’s herd before the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (an organization focusing on animal rescue and rehabilitation in Kenya) intervened to relocate the wildlife to a protected area.


The zebra was moved to Chyulu National Park, where its foal was discovered a few weeks ago, as zebras have a gestation period of 12 months.


The organization expressed their surprise, stating:

It’s a Zonkey!

When working with wildlife, one learns to expect the unexpected. Even seemingly straightforward stories can surprise us in the end.

Last year, our SWT/KWS Tsavo Vet Unit moved a wayward female zebra from community land back to a protected area. It was an uneventful translocation, and the zebra has been thriving since. However, we were recently surprised by the appearance of a baby zonkey – a unique hybrid between a zebra and a donkey – by her side.

Zebras have a 12-month gestation period, so it wasn’t hard to figure out the origins of this lovely character. It seems that the mother encountered an amorous donkey before she was relocated!


It's a zonkey - Zebra gives birth to an unusual baby after mating with donkey


The SWT also shared a detailed account of the zebra and donkey’s amorous affair on its website:

Last May, the SWT/KWS Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Unit received a call from the KWS Community Warden at Mutomo Station. A stray zebra had ventured out of the Tsavo East National Park and into a community bordering the park. She had integrated herself into a local woman’s cattle herd. This continued until the story was aired on local media, prompting our team to help translocate the zebra back to a protected area.

At this point, the zebra had become accustomed to community life, so we had to select her new home with that in mind. We chose our Kenze Anti-Poaching Team’s base in Chyulu National Park, where they could monitor her settlement. The mare’s translocation was a straightforward process; after sedation, the team transported her to the National Park. Upon waking up, the unflappable and adaptable zebra immediately roamed the area. Our Kenze team saw her frequently over the following weeks and months, and she became a regular visitor to the water hole and salt lick.

We’re pleased to report that both the mother and baby are thriving in their new home, free from heavy predation and with ample water and grass. We have raised many orphaned zebras over the years and intend to introduce this unusual pair to wild zebras when the time comes. Until then, they seem content to spend their days grazing side by side, showcasing the wonders of nature.


It's a zonkey - Zebra gives birth to an unusual baby after mating with donkey