Italian doctors claim coronavirus has weakened compared to its initial outbreak

Italian doctors have observed that coronavirus has become less potent and no longer as lethal as it was at the onset of the pandemic. They noted a significant decrease in the amount of virus present in patients compared to the peak crisis period in March and April, even stating that the disease “no longer clinically exists,” despite the 370,000 deaths it has caused worldwide.

Italy, previously the epicenter of the outbreak in Europe, has been experiencing a decline in Covid-19 deaths in recent weeks.

Some virologists have raised doubts regarding these claims, arguing that there is no evidence supporting the notion that the virus is losing potency. However, Professor Alberto Zangrillo, head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, affirmed on RAI TV channel that the virus “clinically no longer exists” in Italy. He reported that recent swabs show an extremely small viral load in patients compared to those taken a month ago.

Similarly, Matteo Bassetti, the head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino Hospital in Genoa, asserted that the virus has weakened, stating, “The strength the virus had two months ago is not the same strength it has today. It is clear that today the COVID-19 disease is different.”

However, Dr. Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz from the University of Wollongong in Australia disputed these assertions, labeling the idea that the virus has disappeared as “dubious.” Meanwhile, Dr. Angela Rasmussen of Columbia University cautioned that although reduced transmission may lead to fewer hospitalizations and deaths, it does not necessarily indicate reduced virulence of the virus.

Additionally, Dr. Oscar MacLean from the University of Glasgow counteracted the claims made by the Italian doctors, stating that there is no scientific evidence to support these assertions. He emphasized the importance of not downplaying the threat of the virus without stronger evidence, as weakening of the virus through mutations is theoretically possible but not guaranteed.