Interview with Modupe Elebute-Odunsi – A Passion for Medicine

Modupe Elebute-Odunsi, the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Marcelle Ruth Cancer Centre and Specialist Hospital, shares her journey in the medical field with FAITH AJAYI

What drove your interest in studying Medicine?

From a young age, I was surrounded by a medical environment due to my parents, Professor Emmanuel and Professor Yade Elebute, who had successful careers in medicine. The exposure to doctors and hospitals played a significant role in my decision to pursue Medicine. My early desire to help my diabetic grandmother who had her leg amputated further solidified my passion for becoming a doctor.

Despite growing up in a medical-oriented family, I was the only one among my siblings to study Medicine. I believe this choice was deeply rooted in my childhood experiences and family history.

After practicing abroad for several years, what motivated you to return to Nigeria?

Nigeria has always been home to me, even though I spent a significant part of my career abroad. My interest in haematology, sparked during my medical school years in Nigeria, led me to further training in the UK. While abroad, I gained invaluable experience working in various medical settings and conducting research.

The decision to return to Nigeria was driven by a desire to contribute to the local healthcare system and elevate medical standards in the country. Despite the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in Nigeria, I felt a strong calling to utilize my expertise in making a difference here.

Reflecting on your teaching experience during your career, how has it influenced your professional journey?

Teaching has always been a passion of mine as it allows me to impart knowledge and inspire future medical professionals. The ability to engage and educate students effectively has significantly shaped my career trajectory. Teaching not only reinforces my own understanding of medical concepts but also enables me to contribute to the growth of the healthcare community.

What inspired the establishment of the Marcelle Ruth Cancer Centre and Specialist Hospital?

Founding the Marcelle Ruth Cancer Centre and Specialist Hospital in Lagos has been a fulfilling experience for me. The daily ward rounds where the medical team collaborates with nurses, pharmacists, and administrative staff epitomize our commitment to providing comprehensive care to our patients. The joy of making a tangible difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families continues to drive our efforts at the center.

Working collaboratively as a team is essential to deliver patient-centered care. At the onset, nurses had reservations and numerous inquiries, which made the process challenging. However, within six months to a year, their perspectives shifted significantly as they were continuously challenged. Initially struggling to grasp the approach, they later acknowledged its benefits in enhancing daily patient care practices.

Elaborate on your responsibilities as the hospital’s co-founder/CEO.

My primary role as the CEO revolves around establishing a clear vision centered on providing top-tier care to all our patients. Referred to as patient-centered care, our focus remains unwavering towards ensuring the well-being of every patient. I oversee the efficient operations of various clinical and non-clinical departments to uphold the high-quality standards we aspire to achieve.

Additionally, I am tasked with recruiting qualified personnel who align with our hospital’s ethos and fostering a culture of excellence. Resolving initial issues concerning timely patient care by doctors has been among the critical transformations we have made.

Furthermore, my responsibilities include establishing and enforcing efficient operational processes and policies, maintaining essential clinical guidelines to uphold the practice of good medicine.

Ensuring adequate support and training for staff members, along with maintaining the infrastructure, are also part of my duties. We are dedicated to aligning our standards with international benchmarks, evident through our tumor board meetings similar to those conducted in the UK.

Ultimately, I bear the responsibility for addressing any challenges that arise within the organization.

Highlight the significant aspects of your career journey.

The growth of this hospital has exceeded my initial expectations. What began as a modest two-bedroom clinic in Oniru, Lagos, evolved into a remarkable establishment with top-notch infrastructure. Collaborating with the exceptional team I have nurtured has been a rewarding experience, witnessing their development and the care provided to our patients brings immense gratification.

Initially observing this progress from a distance, the impact we have achieved in delivering superior healthcare despite existing challenges was truly remarkable.

The launch of the Women in Healthcare Initiative stands as another fulfilling milestone. Bringing together women from diverse healthcare backgrounds, both public and private sectors, showcased the abundance of opportunities available through proactive engagement.

Focusing on overcoming challenges rather than dwelling on setbacks has been my approach, fostering a mindset that acknowledges the difficulties while remaining resolute in finding viable solutions.

Discuss the challenges encountered in your role.

Delivering comprehensive cancer care in Nigeria presents distinctive challenges as most patients necessitate all three treatment modalities—chemotherapy, surgery, and radiotherapy. Nigeria’s unique landscape imposes substantial costs for establishing requisite infrastructure. The fluctuating exchange rates further compound this issue, affecting financial planning and operational sustainability, particularly in the healthcare sector.

Balancing the cost burden on patients is another hurdle, given the considerably high costs associated with cancer care globally. Despite the existing pricing challenges, maintaining affordability without compromising quality remains a delicate balance, reflecting a form of corporate social responsibility.

Furthermore, the prevalent issue of staff turnover adds complexity, with professionals opting to relocate abroad due to various socio-economic factors. Mitigating this instability necessitates strategic workforce planning, ensuring preparedness for key role transitions to minimize operational disruptions.

Addressing the pervasive problem of late-stage disease presentation underscores the absence of a national screening program, underscoring the importance of awareness campaigns and community engagement initiatives towards fostering early detection and intervention.

How do you approach and tackle these challenges?

Navigating challenges necessitates a resilient mindset that views setbacks as learning opportunities, fostering personal growth throughout the journey. Embracing alternative approaches when faced with obstacles ensures continuous refinement and adaptation towards achieving set objectives.

While external factors such as regulatory hurdles, market competition, and patient relations may pose challenges, maintaining a steadfast commitment to delivering optimal care drives our continuous improvement efforts, acknowledging our imperfections yet striving for excellence.

Address misconceptions around cancer-related fatalities in Nigeria.

Our relentless emphasis on education and awareness programs aims to dispel misconceptions surrounding cancer, particularly concerning early detection and treatment options. Through initiatives like the Marcelle Ruth Friends support group, awareness walks, and community engagements, we strive to empower individuals with the knowledge that cancer is a manageable condition with timely intervention and strategic care strategies.

Conducting research and exploring innovative solutions, such as genetic studies, further enriches our understanding of cancer dynamics, paving the way for enhanced treatment modalities and outcomes in the future.

In order to promote awareness and facilitate involvement in policy-making, it is crucial to collaborate with the government to establish national screening programs, as well as a comprehensive cancer patient registry. This will provide valuable insights into the prevalence and distribution of cancer cases, ultimately aiding in the improvement of healthcare systems across the country. While the private sector plays a role in education and awareness campaigns, it cannot address these challenges alone.

Encouraging individuals to prioritize regular wellness checks, particularly after the age of 40, is essential. For those with a family history of cancer, early screening starting at the age of 20 may be necessary due to potential genetic links. Viruses like the Human papillomavirus can contribute to cancer development, underscoring the importance of vaccination programs, such as the ongoing initiative targeting cervical cancer. Despite some resistance based on religious and cultural beliefs, widespread vaccination could significantly reduce the prevalence of certain cancers.

Government involvement is paramount in combating cancer, given its public health significance. Effective cancer programs require government leadership, especially in policymaking, treatment decisions, and funding allocation. Collaborative efforts with institutions like the National Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment can leverage initiatives like the Cancer Health Fund to ensure broader access to essential treatments.

Established for four years, the hospital has made significant strides in operational efficiency, quality care standards, awareness events, and patient support groups. Collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry ensure timely access to appropriate medications for patients. Building trust with patients involves providing financial assistance through foundations, continuous staff training, and a commitment to holistic care and support services.

Looking ahead, the hospital aims to maintain high standards, expand clinical services, enhance patient care capacity, and prioritize education and training for healthcare professionals. Balancing work commitments with personal life remains a challenge, emphasizing the importance of setting and reassessing goals to prevent burnout. Drawing inspiration from individuals like Oprah Winfrey, who epitomize gratitude and humility in success, guides the hospital’s leader in her journey.

Family, friends, and colleagues serve as her biggest cheerleaders, supporting her in both personal and professional endeavors. A simple pleasure like enjoying yam dishes daily reflects her grounded approach to life, mirrored in her preference for classy and understated dressing. When not occupied with work, she prioritizes self-care as a means to unwind and recharge.