Insights by Businessman Wale Jana on Consequences of Reckless Behavior

Wale Jana, a protege of controversial clergyman Biodun Fatoyinbo, shared thought-provoking words on his Instagram page, catching the attention of many social media users.


In a recent post, he warned individuals about recognizing the negative influences in their lives. Referencing sexual recklessness, Jana emphasized that consequences may vary for different individuals engaging in such behavior.


Read his thought-provoking post below and share your thoughts.

This morning, I’m sharing something profound. Understanding it can help you steer clear of life’s pitfalls.
What is your poison? Do you know it?
God warned Adam, “You can eat from any tree but eating from this specific one will result in death.” God cautioned Samson, “Losing your power will follow the day your hair is shaved.” God advised Solomon, “Allowing your wives to divert your heart from Me, the Living God, will mark the beginning of your decline.” God instructed Joshua, “Do not touch anything in Jericho,” but someone did, leading to their defeat in the next battle!
Know your poison! Just because others engage in promiscuity and escape consequences doesn’t mean the same will apply to you if you try it.
I’m surrounded by over 1000 incredibly attractive women, but they are forbidden fruit to me because I know my poison. Similarly, for some of you, it could be dishonoring a particular individual. God cautioned Oral Roberts, “Do not touch the gold or the glory.”
If you aren’t aware of your poison, seek divine guidance to identify the actions you must avoid. Some of you are battling incomprehensible struggles because your ignorance led you to meddle with poison!
Don’t commence this year without understanding your poison. May God grant you clarity in Jesus’ name.
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the fact that other people sleep around and get away with it doesn't mean you will if try businessman wale jana writes