Insight into Trump’s Relationship with His Parents as US Mother’s Day Approaches

US President Donald Trump has shared his sentiments about his late mother, Mary Anne Trump, emphasizing the significant role her upbringing played in shaping his development and success.

Trump’s mother, Mary, passed away in 2000, 16 years before he assumed the presidency, but she witnessed her son attain celebrity status as a businessman.

Prior to Mother’s Day this Sunday, Trump paid tribute to his Scottish-born mother, who immigrated to the U.S. at 17, married Fred Trump in 1936, and gave birth to five children.

‘I had a great mom. I love my mom and she loved me,’ Trump expressed during an extensive interview on ‘Fox & Friends.’

‘I must tell you, it probably wasn’t easy, but she was so good to me. I couldn’t do any wrong, which is a big problem, which is maybe why I ended up the way I ended up.’

Trump has previously mentioned that he inherited his ‘sense of showmanship’ from his mother. While his father, Fred, passed away a year before his mother, Trump veered away from political discussions to reflect on the qualities his parents instilled in him.

‘My mother was somebody that gave me a lot of confidence and she believed in me,’ Trump, 73, noted. ‘My father was the same – a strong guy and a good man. He always had confidence in me and our family.’

Trump, who has experienced two divorces and is the father of five children from three wives, acknowledged the advantage of growing up in a two-parent household.

‘I had really, really good parents, and it’s such an advantage in life. You know, you see so much with single families and children growing up without a mother or father. It’s a tough situation for people – very tough,’ he observed.

‘If you’re lucky – and there’s a lot of luck involved – to have one or ideally two great parents, it’s a tremendous advantage in life. It’s just a tremendous thing,’ he concluded, expressing that he misses his parents.