Infinix Mobility joins hands with Lagos State SDG Department to aid 2,000 households during Covid-19

Infinix Mobility has partnered with the Lagos state SDG Department to support 2,000 households in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The recent global events have refocused our attention on humanity, with individuals and organizations coming together to help those in need. Infinix, known for empowering the younger generation in Nigeria with cutting-edge devices, has collaborated with the Lagos State Government Sustainable Development Goals and Investment Department to provide essential supplies to citizens in the worst-hit areas of the state.

Amidst the crisis, Infinix and the SDG department have set out on a mission to bring joy to the faces of Nigerians affected by the virus. Representatives were fully equipped with protective gear and followed preventive measures during the distribution to ensure the safety of both themselves and the citizens they encountered. The initiative aimed to bring hope to those who have suffered from the consequences of the virus’ spread.

The donation was in line with the sustainable development goal of “zero hunger,” and the SDG department helped identify vulnerable areas within the state to determine the recipients of the relief package. In addition to delivering relief packages, Infinix Mobility also distributed 4,000 units of face masks and 20 Infrared head thermometers across 20 hospitals and government health offices within Lagos state.

Infinix Mobility, along with several other organizations, has shown social responsibility during this time, and it is hoped that more organizations will rise to support the battle against the coronavirus.