Indiscriminate Tuition Fee Hike Cautioned by NANS

Heads of tertiary institutions have been cautioned by the National Association of Nigerian Students against the excessive increment in tuition fees in response to the Federal Government’s initiation of student loans through the NELFUND scheme.

In a statement released after NANS’s 74th Senate sitting in Kano, a warning was issued, a copy of which was shared with NewsNow on Wednesday.

Comrade Okunomo Adewumi endorsed the statement.

“Any institution found engaging in such practices will bear the full consequences brought by NANS. We are prepared to mobilize our members and take resolute action against such bodies.

“The leadership of NANS is prepared to combat any school that boosts tuition fees under the guise of the student loan scheme,” as stated in the document.

An immediate and substantial reduction in tuition fees across all tertiary institutions in the nation was also advocated to alleviate the struggles faced by students.

Regarding the upcoming widespread protests against the current economic conditions, the student body encouraged its members to maintain composure and anticipate the Federal Government’s response to their requests.

“While we grasp the sentiment driving the proposed protest by concerned Nigerians, we urge our members to stay calm and monitor the government’s reaction to our demands.

“If the government fails to address our concerns, we will not hesitate to mobilize. We respect the right of Nigerians to exercise their civil liberties and will not hinder peaceful protests.

Nonetheless, any endeavors to obstruct the endeavors of Nigerians demanding necessary government actions will not be tolerated,” the statement emphasized.