Illegal Oil Refinery Discovered in Abia by NSCDC, Eight Arrested

Eight suspects have been apprehended by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in connection with the recent unearthing of an artisanal crude oil refinery operating in Abia State. This disclosure was made in a statement posted on on Sunday.

The illegal operation was concealed within a swamp forest, encompassing a vast land area. Inside this area, over 200 local cooking ovens were found, used for processing the stolen crude oil. The NSCDC made a significant arrest in this case.

According to the statement released, the Commandant General Special Intelligence Squad (CG SIS) successfully apprehended eight suspects involved in the operation of an artisanal crude oil refinery. This refinery was discovered on a large expanse of land within the swamp forest in Abia State.

In April, PUNCH Online reported on the NSCDC’s dismantling of a bunkering site in the Ukwa East Local Government Area of Abia State.