IGP Adamu Mohammed’s Warning Against Unnecessary Arrests and Detention of Suspects Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Adamu Mohammed, the Inspector General of Police, has cautioned against making unnecessary arrests and detaining suspects during the coronavirus pandemic.


The IGP has urged officers to prioritize personal safety measures. Additionally, he has directed the Zonal AIGs and Command CPs to ensure that unwarranted arrests and detentions of suspects are avoided.


Adamu emphasized that only severe cases like terrorism, armed robbery, homicide, and other serious non-bailable offenses should lead to detention. He has also mandated the immediate closure of the Nigeria Police Academy and all Police Primary and Secondary Schools nationwide.


The official statement reads:


IGP Orders Zonal AIGs/Command CPs to Enforce Social Restriction Orders and Warns against Unnecessary Arrests and Detention of Suspects

Amid the global health threat posed by Covid-19 (coronavirus) and the subsequent social restriction orders enforced by governments at all levels, the Inspector-General of Police, IGP M.A. Adamu, NPM, mni, urges citizens to voluntarily comply with the orders. He has directed all Zonal Assistant Inspectors-General of Police and Commissioners of Police nationwide to strictly enforce all legitimate orders related to containment efforts within their respective areas of jurisdiction.

The IGP has reiterated the importance of officers observing personal safety measures and has further instructed the Zonal AIGs and Command CPs to prevent unnecessary arrests and detentions of suspects. He stressed that the detention of suspects should be minimized, reserving it for only the most serious cases such as terrorism, armed robbery, homicide, and other non-bailable offenses.

Furthermore, the IGP has directed the implementation of adequate measures to screen individuals before they are placed in police custody. He has also urged citizens to refrain from unnecessary visits to police stations and minimize official visits, except when absolutely necessary.

Additionally, Command CPs have been ordered to immediately publish phone numbers of their Command Control Rooms, Area Commanders, Divisional Police Officers (DPOs), and other Tactical Commanders using both conventional and non-conventional media, in order to facilitate alternative interaction and reporting options between the public and the police.

In line with the federal government’s directive to close all tertiary institutions, the IGP has ordered the immediate closure of the Nigeria Police Academy and all Police Primary and Secondary Schools nationwide.

Lastly, the Force Medical Services has been empowered and instructed to enhance sensitization programs across Commands, Formations, and Barracks in the country.