Igbo traders protest against paying Iya Loja at Odunade market in Lagos (Photos/Video)

Igbo traders at Odunade market in Orile, Lagos, are currently protesting against the imposition of fees by Iya Loja. The protesters, predominantly men, have taken to the streets in large numbers with placards bearing messages such as “We are pleading on our government to come to our aid. A big no to Iya Loja.”

The protest has gained attention and support, with images and videos showcasing the demonstrations. The traders’ concerns and demands are evident in the various visuals. This development has sparked a widespread outcry and calls for intervention in support of the traders’ cause.

The situation at Odunade market has drawn significant public interest, and the images and videos from the protest have been widely shared across social media platforms, amplifying the traders’ grievances.

The Igbo traders’ mobilization against the mandated fees reflects a growing movement and underscores the significance of their demands. Their collective action serves as a testament to the power of unity and advocacy in addressing issues that affect their livelihood and businesses.

The solidarity exhibited by the traders in challenging the status quo highlights the resilience and determination within the community. As the protest continues to unfold, it remains a compelling reminder of the ongoing struggle for fair and equitable treatment in commercial settings.