I have no regrets for my actions – Recently arrested dismissed policeman shares his reasons for not stopping impersonation

The Oyo state police command recently paraded a dismissed policeman, Femi John, along with other suspects on Wednesday, May 13. Femi, who was born in Iseyin, explained why he continues to impersonate despite being arrested before for the same offense.

The 54-year-old ex-police officer confessed to the crime, stating that it is the only way he knows how to provide for his family.

I have no regrets for my actions - Recently arrested dismissed policeman shares his reasons for not stopping impersonation

He remarked, “It has been a while since I’ve been involved in it, so I am not afraid to go to jail. Jail is not meant for goats, it is meant for human beings. After all, most of Nigeria’s top politicians also go to jail. I didn’t rob; I am only using my entitlement to feed myself and my family.”

He further expressed, “I do not regret my action; I am a Force man, so how can I regret? I am not a robber and I have never been to highways to rob. I only create ways to feed myself and my children.”

Fake police boots, a fake police identification card, and other counterfeit items were seized from the rearrested dismissed policeman.