How to Earn N500k Monthly in 2020 as an Expertnaire Affiliate Online Business?

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Are you looking to break free from under-earning, overgiving, and overworking? Whether you are a business owner, employee, parent, or professional, this opportunity is for you!


Witness the true story of how I built a N4 Million Naira online business in 6 months, making over N700,000 monthly in 2019, and earning N500,000 in just 10 days by following a simple system based on Jeff Bezos’ method. Join our FREE online workshop and make 2020 your breakout year!



My personal journey began at a wedding reception where my friends were astonished by my decision to enter the same online business as Jeff Bezos and turn over N4.7 million in profit within a few months. In just 6 months, my success left them shocked.


Discover My N4 Million Naira in 6 Months Online Story!


In March last year, during a conversation at a wedding, I revealed that I was about to launch a brand-new online business following the same model as Jeff Bezos. To my friends’ disbelief, I confidently stated that within 6 months, I would make N4 million Naira and prove it to them.

Instantly a tense silence fell on them. The laughter died on their lips as if magic. I began to explain what this business model was, how it worked and how I found out about it. I heard gasps of amazement. My friends sat breathless – spellbound!



Here’s the PROOF of Earning Over N4m in Passive Income Within 6 Months and What My Friends and Strangers I’ve Shown The System To HAVE ALSO EARNED:




Interested in earning such an income online?


Sign up for the FREE training here:



What is this Online Business model which the Richest Man in the World is Doing?


Before I reveal it to you…


Let me make this perfectly clear: this online business model is capable of taking care of your rent, family bills, vacation, give you a big savings account, buy that land you’ve been dreaming about and give you time, freedom and money to spend with your family and doing what you love!




It requires three things:


1. Access to a computer, laptop or ipad!

A mobile phone won’t do this, sorry!


2. Startup capital of a minimum of N40,000 – N250,000


3. This Free masterclass training that explains in DETAIL how to start a Hyper Profitable online business and Make 2020 Your Breakout Year.


Register for the training here:




Want to make N500k monthly in 2020 with Expertnaire Affiliate Online Business?


When you join the Free ONLINE webclass, you will receive my own Book titled: 7-Secrets To Profitable Affiliate Roadmap for free. This FREE bonus will walk you through the exact steps to build your online business and have your first N400,000 per month online sales within weeks.


Register for the FREE training here:


By now, you may already have an idea what this online business currently done by the World’s Richest man is all about. It is called the Affiliate Marketing Online Business!


Want to make N500k monthly in 2020 with Expertnaire Affiliate Online Business?



What is the Affiliate Online Business Model All About?

According to Amazon associates Affiliate program owned by the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos; An affiliate marketing program allows regular people, bloggers, youtubers, website owners and people with an audience create links and earn referral fees when customers click through and buy products from Affiliate marketing is NOT mlm or multi-level marketing.

According to Wikipedia; Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based ​model in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s efforts.

​Affiliate marketing are of two types:

  • ​Physical products
  • Online/Digital products.

Examples of Physical product affiliate ​companies are Amazon ​associates​​​, Maxbounty, ShareaSale. In Nigeria, examples are Konga and Jumia.

Examples of Digital product affiliate companies are Google, JVZoo, Clickbank and Commission Junction.

Clickbank is an affiliate ​company known for being home to thousands of digital products like online courses, e-books, videos, and software. They’re simply middlemen between product vendors and affiliates. In Nigeria, an example of a digital products affiliate company is Expertnaire.

One very important thing to note about the affiliate business is: The digital affiliate marketing is SUPERIOR to the physical products affiliate marketing because the profit share is HIGHER, where you earn between 50% to 100% profit potentials with the affiliate online business model.

Affiliate marketing is the most popular online monetization method that’s becoming more popular with every passing day, all over the world and in Nigeria​ as well.

That is why I am inviting you to an exclusive One-Day WebClass that explains how the affiliate online business works, exactly how to choose the best digital products affiliate companies, and how to sell them on the internet using simple Facebook ads and your computer.

I explain all of this together with my mystery business partner in ​this ​Brand New 7-Step Super Affiliate Online Business Method which ANYONE can follow and be successful online. ​​​

Register for the FREE training here:



Who is this Online Business Perfect For?


This online business model is PERFECT ONLY For:


1.) If you have access to a computer or laptop and would love a genuine way to monetize it so you can earn passive income in 2020 working from any location in Nigeria or in the world.


2.) If you own a business but you are still NOT able to run your business profitably and you are looking for ways to raise capital for your business.


3.) If you’re an employee who is tired of working the 6am to 6pm grind and you’re not satisfied with an “average/normal” life and you know you deserve more…


4.) If you feel like there’s an invisible ceiling on your income and your income potentials


5.) If you’re an entrepreneur at heart who is looking for the best possible opportunity to get started making a BIG income online this year – Doesn’t matter if you like abroad, as long as you have a Nigerian bank account.


6.) If you’re serious about creating a business online that is automated and scalable and finally ready to invest in yourself and your business this year – forgetting the past failures.


If any of the above describes you, then “I’ll show you a Free No-Fail Income system that can help you generate at least N400,000 per month. I said N400k per month because that is minimum amount that some of my students are using to generate – using this system!” Says by mystery business partner.



Register for the FREE training here:



Who is this NOT For?


1.) If you believe everything done online is a scam because you have been scammed before. Who hasn’t?


2.) If you’re someone who is looking to “Get rich quick” without putting in the work. This will get you rich Quick, but there is SOME work involved at the initial stage.


3) If you’re lazy and not willing to learn new skills that can change your life and that of your family.


4) If you are looking to “Do nothing but click a button and make money”, you easily give up and you don’t have access to a computer.


If any of these describes you, this affiliate online business will NOT work for you.


Finally, ​a 2016 Forrester study found that in the US alone, affiliate marketing will become an $8-10 billion industry by 2021.


Want to make N500k monthly in 2020 with Expertnaire Affiliate Online Business?


In Nigeria, affiliate online business is still fairly new as the wise proverb goes: “The early bird eats the fattest worm”.


If you’re someone who is New to the online business world, but you have access to a computer and you have the desire to EARN big in 2020, then…


Register for my FREE Affiliate Online Business Webclass below:




I look forward to working with you.


See you inside the webclass.


P.S: Don’t have a computer but still interested? I’m sorry this ONLY works with a computer.


Have a computer but NO time to learn? I can help you setup your affiliate online business. Register for my FREE Affiliate Online Business Webclass below:




P.S.S: What drives you?


  • One; The fear of being broke and without money?
  • Two; Or the desire for the good luxuries of life.


I have learnt that usually the rich are driven by number 2, while the average are driven by number one. This is why the average don’t take much risk, and the rich go all out.



P.S.S.S: Think this is another thing to scam you? “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. You shall have whatsoever you say!”