How old is Ron Cherry? A look into the legendary ACC referee’s career and legacy

Ron Cherry is a highly acclaimed former ACC referee known for his illustrious career spanning over 25 years in college football. His commanding presence on the field elevated him to prominence among college football officials. Cherry supervised numerous prestigious games, notably the 2009 BCS National Championship. Notably, in 2007, he gained global attention by replicating Ben Dreith’s iconic “giving him the business” call during a personal foul announcement. Despite occasional controversies, he was generally regarded as an outstanding referee.

The 2013 Fiesta Bowl highlighted Cherry’s prowess, emphasizing his team’s pivotal call throughout the game. Beyond his on-field performance, Cherry was recognized for his charisma, often being likened to a rock star among referees. However, Cherry’s most memorable moment came during a 2007 game between Maryland and NC State when he made the historic “quote of the year”: “Personal foul. 69. Offense. He was handing him the business. Replay the down.” This call has etched its place in college football history. Unfortunately, Cherry’s career was cut short in 2016 due to an injury sustained during a game between Notre Dame and USC.

Ron Cherry’s Retirement, Resilience, and Enduring Legacy

Cherry’s career took an unexpected turn at the age of 60 or 65 when he suffered a brain injury during the USC-Notre Dame game, requiring emergency neurosurgery. Despite this setback, he gracefully retired, assuming a new role as an advisor and assistant to Dennis Hennigan, the ACC coordinator of officials, as reported by ESPN.

Ron Cherry

Reflecting on the challenges he faced, Cherry commented, “I was going to [retire] the next year anyway, but you get knocked on your ass.” With over 300 Division I games officiated, Cherry left a lasting impact. Apart from his noteworthy calls, he influenced a generation of officials and played a pivotal role in opening doors for Black officials. Despite being most renowned for a single call, Cherry remains humble, cherishing the diverse experiences and friendships garnered during his remarkable career.

Key Moment on the Field: The Notre Dame-USC Game

Ron Cherry endured a severe injury during the third quarter of the Notre Dame-USC game on November 26. USC linebacker Michael Hutchings accidentally collided with Cherry as he signaled the play dead in pursuit of a sack, leaving Cherry unconscious. Following the incident, Cherry underwent a prompt evaluation for a concussion at a Los Angeles hospital.

Subsequent to the assessment, medical professionals discharged Cherry for home care the same night, citing headaches and foot weakness. He was admitted to Gwinnett Medical Centre in Lawrenceville, Georgia, where a CT scan revealed a blood clot requiring surgery. Cherry underwent surgical intervention and was subsequently placed in the neurological critical care unit.

Ron Cherry

Thankfully, proactive measures by the medical staff facilitated Cherry’s progression to intermediate care during his recovery, where he underwent occupational and physical therapy. Despite the challenges, the swift actions of the medical team addressed his medical needs, contributing to his eventual recovery.