Horrific video shows dog yelping in pain as it is barbecued alive at a Chinese market

The cruelty of the dog meat trade has once again been brought to light, as a horrifying video has emerged showing a dog being barbecued alive at a Chinese market. Shared by animal rights activists, the footage depicts the dog yelping in agony as it is roasted on a barbecue. The distressing scene is a stark reminder of the barbarity of this trade, and No To Dog Meat campaign group has used the video to advocate for an end to this inhumane practice.

The dog is seen desperately trying to cry out as it is being roasted at a meat market in Yulin, China. Another disturbing video shows men pouring boiling water over a half-skinned dog that is still alive, adding to the horror of the situation.

These appalling videos were released in conjunction with a planned protest at the Chinese embassy in London, where activists are rallying to demand an end to the consumption of dogs and cats as food. The disturbing images serve as a poignant reminder of the suffering endured by these animals, and the urgent need for action to bring this cruelty to an end.