Hollywood Producer David Guillod Faces 11 Sex Crime Charges, including Rape and Kidnapping of Four Women

Hollywood executive producer David Guillod, known for “Extraction” and “Atomic Blonde,” has been accused of multiple counts of rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping of four women in California.


The 53-year-old, who previously ran Primary Wave Entertainment, a talent agency, turned himself in to police in Santa Barbara near Los Angeles after a three-year investigation. He is currently in custody at the Santa Barbara County Jail, with bail set at $3 million.


The charges are related to alleged incidents in 2012, 2014, and 2015 with four unidentified female accusers, ranging in age from 27 to 41, in Los Angeles County and Santa Barbara County, according to the complaint filed by Santa Barbara District Attorney Joyce Dudley.


Guillod is facing a total of 11 felony charges for incidents dating back to 2012, with a potential maximum sentence of 21 years to life in prison, according to Santa Barbara prosecutors.


According to Dudley’s statement, “Charges were filed after extensive investigations were conducted by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department and the Los Angeles Police Department, while working in conjunction with the District Attorneys of Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles County.”


“After reviewing all the evidence, the Santa Barbara County District Attorney requested jurisdiction from the District Attorney of Los Angeles to prosecute Counts 4-11 in Santa Barbara.”


The accusers were not named in the charge sheet by Santa Barbara prosecutors. However, actress Jessica Barth, a prominent figure in the #MeToo movement, accused Guillod of drugging and sexually assaulting her in 2012 when he was her manager in Los Angeles.


Hollywood producer, David Guillod charged with 11 sex crimes, including rape and kidnapping of four women


In a statement, Guillod’s attorney Philip K. Cohen mentioned that Guillod maintains his innocence and has evidence contradicting the allegations.


Cohen stated, “Mr. Guillod has been vilified for eight years without being afforded the opportunity to examine under oath his accusers. Justice is rarely swift and often does not come easy; but Mr. Guillod very much looks forward to clearing his name in the appropriate forum.”


Guillod faces four charges related to the first alleged encounter on May 21, 2012, in Los Angeles County, including sexual penetration of an unconscious or unaware victim, sexual penetration of a drugged victim, oral copulation of an intoxicated victim, and oral copulation of an unconscious or unaware victim.


For the second alleged encounter on December 14, 2014, in Santa Barbara County, he faces three charges, including kidnapping for rape, rape of a drugged victim, and rape of an unconscious person.


In the third alleged encounter between Jan. 30 and Jan. 31, 2015, in Los Angeles County, he is charged with rape of a drugged person and rape of an unconscious person.


For the fourth alleged encounter, also between Jan. 30 and Jan. 31, 2015, in Los Angeles County, he is charged with rape of a drugged person and rape of an unconscious person.


The date for his arraignment has not yet been set.