Here is the revised article: Clinical Dietician Shares a Heartbreaking Story of Medical Negligence Resulting in Loss of Life

A clinical dietician recently took to Twitter to share a distressing incident involving the loss of a family friend due to the alleged negligence of medical professionals. She sought urgent assistance at a General Hospital in Isolo but sadly, the individual did not survive. She then proceeded to recount the tragic sequence of events.

According to the medical nutritionist, the young man collapsed while playing football and was immediately taken to a general hospital. However, the medical staff at the hospital reportedly declined to provide assistance, citing concerns about potential COVID-19 infection.

Clinical dietician narrates how her family friend slumped while playing football and eventually died due to the alleged negligence of health professionals

The individual was subsequently pronounced dead, and the clinical dietician attributed his untimely demise to the actions, or lack thereof, of the medical staff at the hospital.

Sharing her anguish, Amaka tweeted: “The medical system failed my family friend today and I’ll never get over it.
He was said to be playing football in the field this morning and slumped and stopped breathing, he was immediately rushed to Isolo general hospital in other to get attended to fast, getting there, they refused to let him in because they said they don’t know if he has Corona virus, really?!

“His family members kept begging and begging because time was running and his wasn’t getting any better, he was still not breathing… The nurses still insisted on not attending to him, because according to them they have their plates full.

“They had to return him back to the car in and resulted to prayers. In tears, his elder sister still went back in and requested to see any doctor on duty, after so much argument a doctor came out, heard the whole story from the nurses on duty and without taking a look at him in the car or bringing him in to check him out, the doctor then certified him Dead and asked them to transfer him to the mortuary.

“His mother collapsed on the spot… This life is so unfair.”

She also mentioned that funeral arrangements are currently underway.

Clinical dietician narrates how her family friend slumped while playing football and eventually died due to the alleged negligence of health professionals

Clinical dietician narrates how her family friend slumped while playing football and eventually died due to the alleged negligence of health professionals

Clinical dietician narrates how her family friend slumped while playing football and eventually died due to the alleged negligence of health professionals

Clinical dietician narrates how her family friend slumped while playing football and eventually died due to the alleged negligence of health professionals