Heartwarming Video Shows Chris Brown’s Daughter Singing to Him on His Birthday

Chris Brown’s mother and his daughter celebrated his birthday by singing to him as he cut his cake.

Sharing the adorable video on Instagram, his mother expressed her love for the singer who turned 31 on May 5.

“Happy birthday my Angel!!! You’re the best son a mother could ever have!!” Chris Brown’s mother, Joyce Hawkins wrote.

Chris Brown's daughter Royalty Brown sings to him on his birthday in cute video class=

In the video, Chris’ daughter, Royalty Brown, is seen singing “Happy Birthday” to her father before he blows out the candles on his cake.

Chris Brown's daughter Royalty Brown sings to him on his birthday in cute video class=

Chris Brown's daughter Royalty Brown sings to him on his birthday in cute video class=

Watch the heartwarming video below.

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Chris Brown’s daughter, Royalty Brown, sings to him on his birthday.

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