SWAN President Urges Protesters to Safeguard Sports Infrastructure

Amid ongoing protests, the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) has made a plea to demonstrators to consider the impact on sports infrastructure nationwide, highlighting the unnecessary setback that would arise from any destruction.

In a statement released on Wednesday, SWAN’s National President, Isaiah Benjamin, stressed the importance of peaceful engagement and dialogue over resorting to violent protests to address the current challenges facing the country.

The call from SWAN comes as preparations are underway for planned demonstrations in various parts of Nigeria starting from August 1, 2024.

Benjamin, via a statement signed by the association’s Secretary General, Ikenna Okonkwo, emphasized the right of citizens to protest while emphasizing that such actions should be carried out in a peaceful manner.

“Rather than causing harm to lives and properties, citizens should consider constructive ways to enhance sports development, which plays a crucial role in boosting the country’s economy,” pleaded Benjamin.

Highlighting the significance of sports as a key driver of growth and development, he called on sports figures, including athletes, officials, administrators, and the media, to set a positive example in their behavior and influence within society.

“Instead of endorsing destructive behaviors, let’s motivate our fellow citizens to engage in sports activities for physical well-being and other productive pursuits,” he added.

The prominent sports journalist in Nigeria also urged leaders at all levels to implement sustainable policies that align with global standards to streamline bureaucracy and enhance sports development nationwide.

He advocated for Nigeria to prioritize talent discovery and development, leveraging its abundant human capital resources in various regions.

“Government entities should focus on developing grassroots sports infrastructure to actively involve the youth, as strategic investment in sports has the potential to significantly reduce unemployment rates,” he further remarked.