Ha! US government plans to add Nigeria and 6 other countries to travel ban list

The US government is planning to expand its travel ban list to include Nigeria and six other countries. This decision is part of a new executive order that President Donald Trump is expected to sign soon. The list, which is not final and subject to change, may impose restrictions on certain visa categories for citizens of Belarus, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania. Trump mentioned in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that he is considering the addition of some countries to the travel ban list, without specifying which countries would be affected.

A senior official in the Trump administration commented that countries failing to meet security requirements, such as biometrics, information-sharing, and counter-terrorism measures, could face limitations on US immigration. Currently, citizens of Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, as well as certain Venezuelan officials and their relatives, are already restricted from obtaining a wide range of US immigrant and non-immigrant visas under the existing version of the ban.