Governor Namadi Urges Prayers for Economic Recovery and National Security This Eid-el-Kabir

In a Sallah message shared on his official Facebook page, Malam Umar Namadi, the Governor of Jigawa State, has called on all citizens to unite in prayer for economic recovery, national security, and the overall well-being of every Nigerian.

Emphasizing the importance of collective prayers and efforts, the Governor expressed optimism that such endeavors would lead to a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

As the Eid-el-Kabir celebrations approach, Governor Namadi extended warm greetings and best wishes to the people of Jigawa State and Muslims worldwide, highlighting the values of sacrifice, endurance, and devotion to Allah symbolized by the occasion.

He underscored his administration’s commitment to transforming the state into a modern, self-sufficient, and economically developed haven for peaceful and prosperous living for all residents.

Reflecting on the past year, the Governor pointed out the strides made in economic empowerment, youth employment, agricultural transformation, educational revitalization, and infrastructure development among other key areas, despite the challenges posed by the national economic situation.

Governor Namadi reiterated his administration’s dedication to implementing programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life for the people and boosting the state’s economic status to alleviate poverty.

Setting a target to annually reduce the state’s poverty rate by 10%, the Governor called for continued prayers for Jigawa State and the nation as a whole, focusing on economic recovery, national security, and the well-being of all Nigerians.

He concluded his message by wishing for a joyous and blessed Eid, praying for the acceptance of sacrifices and the strength to overcome challenges. Eid Mubarak to all!