Governor El-Rufai orders 50 percent salary slash for political appointees

Governor El-Rufai has mandated a 50 percent reduction in the salaries of his political appointees in Kaduna state. This directive, which will remain in effect until the quarantine period concludes, was communicated through a statement from the Governor’s media aide, Muyiwa Adekeye.

Furthermore, all senior government appointees in the state, such as Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, Special Advisers, and Heads of Agencies, have been directed to individually donate N500,000 in April 2020 to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

Additionally, selected Kaduna Governor’s political appointees are set to make monthly donations to aid in providing relief to low-income, poor, and vulnerable residents of the state. It has been outlined that career public servants earning a net pay of N67,000 and above after tax will donate 25% of their pay each month during the quarantine period. The statement emphasizes that no public servant will have less than N50,000 monthly to manage during this emergency period.

The statement highlights the obligation of government workers to demonstrate care for others by donating a portion of their earnings for the wellbeing of those in need. It also appeals for donations from high net worth individuals, the private sector, and development partners to bolster the state’s efforts in combating Covid-19 and its repercussions.

The Kaduna State Government urges potential donors to preferably make in-kind contributions, such as personal protective equipment, PCR machines, medical facilities and equipment, facemasks, food, pharmaceuticals, and support for farmers. The state government pledges to publicly recognize all donations and express appreciation to the donors.