Governor Adeleke pledges to finish all unfinished projects in Osun State

In a recent statement, Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun State expressed his dedication to completing the projects left unfinished by the previous administrations in the state.

During the celebration of former Governor Rauf Aregbesola’s 67th birthday, Governor Adeleke reiterated his commitment to continuing the development initiatives started by his predecessor.

At the event, Teslim Igbalaye, the Secretary to the State Government, represented Governor Adeleke and praised Aregbesola’s legacy of public service, emphasizing the importance of continuity in governance.

Governor Adeleke emphasized that he has deliberately chosen to honor Aregbesola’s contributions and ensure that his achievements are not disregarded due to political differences.

“I am pleased to announce that we are actively progressing with many of the projects initiated by Aregbesola that were left unfinished. Our focus is on enhancing the infrastructure of Osun State, from road networks to housing schemes, in line with your vision,” Governor Adeleke stated.

Describing Aregbesola as a remarkable political figure, Governor Adeleke acknowledged his strategic acumen in navigating the political landscape and forming beneficial partnerships.

“We are gathered here to celebrate a true servant of the people, a leader who understands the nuances of politics and the importance of collaboration in achieving common goals,” he added.

Recognizing Aregbesola’s multifaceted contributions at various levels of government, Governor Adeleke praised his dedication to public service and national development.

“We have chosen to embrace the principle of government continuity, ensuring that the progress made by Aregbesola remains intact and sustainable under our administration and beyond,” Governor Ademola Adeleke affirmed.