Gernot Rohr’s Decision to Stay and Coach in Nigeria

The head coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, Gernot Rohr, has agreed to the new contract offered by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF).

In this new contract, NFF president Amaju Pinnick disclosed that three clauses were included, which required Rohr to reside in Nigeria, observe the Nigerian Professional Football League (NPFL) to identify local talent, and receive his salary in Nigerian Naira.

Pinnick also mentioned that other coaches were in touch with him in case Rohr declined the contract.

Gernot Rohr accepts to be paid in Naira and reside in Nigeria but reveals he has received coaching offers from two countries

Rohr, a Franco-German coach, has confirmed his acceptance of the contract clauses, expressing willingness to live in Nigeria and be paid in Naira. He also stated his readiness to reduce his salary to support the Federation amidst the economic challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Rohr mentioned that he made some revisions to the contract and is awaiting NFF’s response. In the meantime, he revealed that he has received job offers from two other countries, but has not responded to them until the finalization of his Nigeria contract.

“I never discuss my contract in public, as you know,” Rohr told ESPN. “But I heard like everybody what was said by President [Amaju] Pinnick, that I have to accept to be paid in naira, and I have to be resident in Nigeria. I agree to these two things, and even I agree to have a lower salary.”

“I accept because I think that my mission in Nigeria is not finished yet, and I know very well my players. I know very well the officials. We are now just like a family, and I think it is good to continue especially in this period now where it is difficult to change, to travel, to see new people,” he added.

“If the answer I give with some little changes in my contract is positive, I will continue,” the 66-year-old emphasized. “If not, I have to see what they give me because I have still the requests from two other federations. I received it – they are waiting for my answer – but I will take my time to give the NFF to make the final draft before I answer them.”

“Of course, everybody at the moment has an obligation to understand that there are no matches,” he said. “Clubs and federations have problems with money, even if they have assistance from Fifa or Uefa, but everybody has to be ready to make sacrifices.

“So I already told NFF that in the months from April to June, we are agreed to cut our salaries, which is also a sign of solidarity”