Fr Mbaka pleads with God for forgiveness for mistakenly attributing glory to the Labour party (video)

Fr Mbaka pleads with God for forgiveness for mistakenly attributing glory to the Labour party (video)

Reverend Father Ejike Mbaka was captured on video requesting God’s forgiveness for the misattributed glory given to a political party instead of God by Nigerians.


During the recent elections, the Catholic Priest pointed out that Nigerians referred to the father, mother, and child depicted in a political party’s logo as “God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”, advocating for support for the party’s candidate.


However, he did not explicitly mention the party’s name; the one featuring the father, mother, and child in its logo is the Labour Party.


They took the glory meant for God and gave it to a human, so the anger of God affected us,” expressed Mbaka to his congregation.


Following this statement, he knelt at the altar to seek God’s pardon before urging his congregation to interpret his message as they see fit.


You can view the video below.