Former Lagos PDP Chairman Shifts Loyalty to APC

Segun Adewale, a prominent figure in the Peoples Democratic Party and the ex-Chairman of the party in Lagos State, has announced his decision to switch allegiance to the All Progressives Congress.

Addressing the media during a press briefing held in Lagos, Adewale, also known as Aeroland, revealed his move from the PDP to the APC.

Reports emerged last week that the PDP in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos had indefinitely suspended Adewale.

Alleged reasons for his suspension included fostering discord within the PDP ranks and tarnishing the party’s reputation.

Before his suspension, Adewale had criticized the PDP’s failure to secure wins in state elections since 1999, attributing it to corruption and internal strife.

Speaking at the press briefing, Adewale clarified that his move to the APC was not driven by aspirations for the 2027 elections but to support President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

He emphasized, “I have no plans to vie for office in 2027; my aim is to back the president. I will be heading to Abuja to show my support for Tinubu.”

Responding to his suspension, Adewale alleged that it was a targeted effort by adversaries he had exposed for mishandling campaign funds during the 2023 elections.

Dismissing the impact of his suspension, Adewale expressed his local ward’s unwavering confidence in him, indicating their disavowal of the reported disciplinary action.

He further criticized the suspension, labeling it as unconstitutional and part of a vendetta against him for uncovering financial improprieties.

Adewale stated, “Instead of addressing misconduct within the party, they falsely accused me of misappropriating campaign funds. I challenged them to carry out the suspension in my ward so I could formally join the APC.”

Reflecting on his political journey, Adewale highlighted his intent to safeguard his business interests and the political network he had meticulously established over the years.

He recounted a bank’s cautionary warning about his political exposure, restricting his financial activities due to his association with the PDP.

Adewale remarked that several individuals he had supported in previous PDP campaigns had transitioned to the APC, securing positions as commissioners and lawmakers.

(Source: NAN)