Former Governor of Kaduna State, Mukhtar Yero, Emphasizes the High Illiteracy Rate in the North

In a recent interview, Former Governor of Kaduna State, Mukhtar Yero, urged Northerners to prioritize addressing poverty and illiteracy in the region over securing power in 2023.

Mukhtar Yero highlighted that despite the North holding political power, it has not significantly improved the region’s economy. He also pointed out the high prevalence of street beggars and school dropouts in the North.

Yero emphasized the need for the North to focus on economic development to combat poverty. He questioned whether the North is economically empowered despite holding political power and stressed the importance of addressing economic challenges before discussing power retention.

He stated, “In the North, we have the highest population, the largest land mass, and the highest number of illiterates, including school dropouts and street beggars.”

Expressing concern about the region’s future political power, Yero commented, “In the near future, even the political power we may not be able to get it because we are not economically empowered.”