Former Barcelona Star Gary Lineker Discloses Self-Isolation Due to Son’s Coronavirus Symptoms

Former professional footballer and current sports broadcaster, Gary Lineker, is currently in self-isolation after his son displayed symptoms of coronavirus.

The ex-Barcelona and Leicester City star disclosed that his son, George, experienced a “complete loss of taste and smell” after spending time with Lineker.

Lineker Sr took to Twitter to share, “In self-isolation as @GeorgeLineker has symptoms.”

“They’re not the regular ones, but complete loss of sense of taste and smell. Odd these have not been pointed out much.

“Been nearly a week and has spent time at mine. I’ve been vigilant, hand washing/distancing but isolation it is.

“Worth being careful if you lose your sense of taste and smell. You could unknowingly have the virus. I checked all this with a doctor before sharing the information. Stay safe.”